Using Image and Narrative in Therapy for Trauma, Addiction and Recovery

A Retrospective Launch Free Event

Saturday 1st October 11am-5pm

11-2am Online and In Person Meeting:
James West (book editor), Jon Martyn, Anthea Hendry, Charles Brown, Sheila Butler, Tony
Gammidge and Tania Korsak present around themes from the book.
(*This part of the meeting will be accessible online. See below)

2-3pm Break

3-5pm Afternoon In Person Meeting:
In the afternoon Sarah Deco and Martin Weegmann provide an interactive group experience for
the in person attendees around Image and Narrative in Therapy.
The day consists of a series of presentations and workshops by the book’s authors, exploring the
use of image and narrative in therapy. It is aimed at anybody who through therapeutic practice or
personal experience is interested in exploring the way image making and storytelling together
become therapeutic and assist recovery and growth from trauma and addictions.

The is the link to the in-person event:

And the on-line event:

*Participants are advised to think about what they bring to the event, and sensitively consider your own self care and how what you bring may impact on other participants.

The book is available at a 20% discount using the code ‘IMAGEANDNARRATIVE’ on this link,
BAAT members get a 30% using the code available on the BAAT website,